home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- package Foomatic::PPD;
- use Foomatic::UIElem;
- my @Sections = qw(JCLBegin
- JCLSetup
- JCLToPSInterpreter
- ExitServer
- Prolog
- DocumentSetup
- PageSetup);
- sub new {
- my ($type, $filename, $poid) = @_;
- open PPD, "$filename" or die;
- my %ppd;
- $ppd{'filename'} = $filename;
- my ($opt, $optname);
- my ($choice,$choiceverb,$snippet);
- my $l;
- for $l (<PPD>) {
- # skip comments
- next if ($l =~ m!^*%!);
- # skip blank lines
- next if ($l =~ m!^\s*$!);
- if (defined($snippet)) {
- $snippet = "$snippet$l";
- if ($snippet =~ s!\"\s*$!!) {
- $opt->add_option($choice, $choiceverb, $snippet);
- $snippet = undef;
- }
- } elsif (defined($opt)) {
- # In mid-parse of a UI option clause
- if ($l =~ m!^\*CloseUI: \*$optname!) {
- # close up the $opt object
- push(@{$ppd{'options'}}, $opt);
- $optname = $opt = undef;
- } elsif ($l =~ m!^\*OrderDependency: ([\.\d]+) (AnySetup|JCLSetup|PageSetup|DocumentSetup|Prolog|ExitServer) \*$optname!) {
- my ($order, $section) = ($1, $2);
- $opt->set('order_real'=>$order);
- $opt->set('order_section'=>$section);
- $opt->set('order_keyword'=>$optname);
- } elsif ($l =~ m!^\*Default$optname:\s+([0-9\&A-Za-z]+)!) {
- $opt->set('default'=>$1);
- } elsif ($l =~ m!^\*$optname ([\d\&A-Za-z]+)(\/([^:]+))?:\s*\"([^\"]*)(\")?!) {
- if ($5 eq '"') {
- $opt->add_option($1,$3?$3:$1,$4);
- } else {
- $snippet = $4;
- $choice = $1;
- $choiceverb = $3?$3:$1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- # not in UI clause parsing
- if ($l =~ m!^\*NickName:\s*\"(.+)\"!) {
- $ppd{'NickName'} = $1;
- } elsif ($l =~ m!^\*ModelName:\s*\"(.+)\"!) {
- $ppd{'ModelName'} = $1;
- } elsif ($l =~ m!^\*Manufacturer:\s*\"(.+)\"!) {
- $ppd{'Manufacturer'} = $1;
- } elsif ($l =~ m!^\*OpenUI \*([0-9\&A-Za-z]+)(\/(.+))?:\s*(Boolean|PickOne|PickMany)!) {
- my ($name, $label, $type) = ($1, $3, $4);
- # make new $opt object
- $optname = $name;
- $opt = new Foomatic::UIElem ('name'=>$optname,
- 'type'=>$type,
- 'label'=>($label?$label:$name));
- }
- # yadda...
- }
- }
- close PPD;
- my $this = bless \%ppd;
- $this->sort_options();
- $this->{'printer_id'} = $poid;
- return $this;
- }
- sub sort_options {
- my $this = $_[0];
- # First, sort all the options into sections
- my %sections;
- my $o;
- while (defined($o=pop(@{$this->{'options'}}))) {
- my $sec = $o->{'order_section'};
- push(@{$sections{($sec ? $sec : 'Queries')}}, $o);
- }
- $this->{'options'} = undef;
- # Put AnySetup stuff in DocumentSetup (or could be PageSetup)
- push(@{$sections{'DocumentSetup'}}, @{$sections{'AnySetup'}});
- @{$sections{'AnySetup'}} = ();
- # Now sort each section by orderdep number
- my $k;
- for $k (keys(%sections)) {
- my @sorted = sort {$a->{'order_real'}
- <=> $b->{'order_real'}} @{$sections{$k}};
- $sections{$k} = \@sorted;
- }
- $this->{'sections'} = \%sections;
- }
- sub pdq_options {
- my $this = $_[0];
- my @opts;
- my $k;
- for $k (@Sections) {
- my $o;
- for $o (@{$this->{'sections'}->{$k}}) {
- my ($name, $label, $type, $default) =
- ($o->{'name'},$o->{'label'},$o->{'type'},$o->{'default'});
- if ($type eq 'PickOne'
- or $type eq 'Boolean'
- or $type eq 'PickMany') {
- push(@opts,
- " option {\n",
- " var = \"$name\"\n",
- " desc = \"$label\"\n",
- " default_choice \"$default\"\n");
- my $c;
- for $c (@{$o->{'options'}}) {
- my ($label, $option) = ($c->{'label'}, $c->{'option'});
- push(@opts,
- " choice \"$name:$option\" {\n",
- " value = \"$option\"\n",
- " desc = \"$label\"\n",
- " }\n");
- }
- push(@opts,
- " }\n");
- }
- $optnum++;
- }
- }
- return @opts;
- }
- sub _tag {
- my ($t, @v) = @_;
- return '' if !defined(@v);
- if (0) {
- $v =~ s!\&!\&\;!g;
- $v =~ s!\<!\<\;!g;
- }
- return "<$t>" . join('',@v) . "</$t>\n";
- }
- sub foo_options {
- my ($this) = (@_);
- # We build a list of option xml objects
- my @options;
- # All of them need to get sandwiched between
- # %!PS
- # statusdict begin
- # opt1
- # opt2
- # ....
- # end
- # For each section in the order defined by Adobe, and for each
- # option in the order defined by the PPD, we emit shell code to
- # generate the proper snippet-o-postscript into the backend
- # filter's output.
- # TODO: some sections go in the middle of the document! E-gad!
- # TODO: JCL incantations - these aren't even parsed from the PPD yet.
- my $prn = $this->{'printer_id'};
- my $filename = $this->{'filename'};
- my $k;
- # AnySetup has already been moved to DocumentSetup.
- # We don't do the JCL stuff yet.
- for $k (qw(Prolog DocumentSetup PageSetup)) {
- my $o;
- my $optidx = 0;
- for $o (@{$this->{'sections'}->{$k}}) {
- my (@opt) = ();
- # We only do PickOne and Boolean (no PickMany)
- if ($o->{'type'} ne 'PickOne'
- and $o->{'type'} ne 'Boolean') {
- print STDERR ("Skipping option ", $o->{'name'},
- " because it is a ", $o->{'type'}, "\n");
- next;
- }
- # Skip "PageRegion", it is the same as "PageSize"
- next if ($o->{'name'} eq "PageRegion");
- my ($var,$order) = @$o{'name','order_real'};
- # Find index of default option
- my $c;
- my $scanindex = 1;
- my $defaultindex = 1; # assume first
- for $c (@{$o->{'options'}}) {
- my $v = $c->{'option'};
- if ($o->{'default'} eq $v) {
- $defaultindex = $scanindex;
- last;
- }
- $scanindex++;
- }
- push (@opt, ("<option type='enum' id='ppd-$prn-$var'>\n",
- "<!-- option from section $k in $filename -->\n",
- _tag('arg_longname',
- _tag('en', xml_esc($o->{'label'}))),
- _tag('arg_shortname',
- _tag('en', xml_esc($var))),
- _tag('arg_execution',
- _tag('arg_order', 500 + $order),
- _tag('arg_spot', 'A'),
- "<arg_postscript section='$k' />\n",
- _tag('arg_proto', '%s')),
- _tag('constraints',
- ("<constraint sense='true'>\n",
- _tag('driver', 'ppd'),
- _tag('printer', "printer/$prn"),
- _tag('arg_defval', "ppd-$prn-$var-$defaultindex"),
- "</constraint>\n"))));
- my $choiceidx=0;
- my @evals;
- for $c (@{$o->{'options'}}) {
- my $v = $c->{'option'};
- my $snippet = $c->{'snippet'};
- $choiceidx++;
- if (defined($snippet)) {
- push (@evals,
- ("<enum_val id='ppd-$prn-$var-$choiceidx'>\n",
- _tag('ev_longname',
- _tag('en', xml_esc($c->{'label'}))),
- _tag('ev_shortname',
- _tag('en', xml_esc($c->{'option'}))),
- ($snippet ? _tag('ev_driverval', xml_esc($snippet))
- : "<ev_driverval></ev_driverval>\n"),
- "</enum_val>\n"));
- # TODO: We should also handle <##> hex numbers in snippets!
- }
- }
- # If there are choices, put them in
- if (scalar(@evals)) {
- push(@opt,
- _tag('enum_vals', join('',@evals)));
- push (@opt, "</option>\n");
- # Note that we skip the whole thing if there are no choices!
- push (@options, { 'id' => "ppd-$prn-$var",
- 'xml' => \@opt } );
- }
- }
- }
- return @options;
- }
- sub xml_esc {
- my ($in) = (@_);
- $in =~ s!&!&!g;
- $in =~ s!<!<!g;
- $in =~ s!>!>!g;
- return $in;
- }
- sub pdq_filter {
- my ($this) = $_[0];
- my @filt;
- push(@filt,
- " filter_exec {\n\n",
- " echo '%!PS' > \$OUTPUT\n",
- " echo 'statusdict begin' >> \$OUTPUT\n\n");
- # For each section in the order defined by Adobe, and for each
- # option in the order defined by the PPD, we emit shell code to
- # generate the proper snippet-o-postscript into the PDQ filter's
- # output.
- #
- # TODO: some sections go in the middle of the document! E-gad!
- # TODO: JCL incantations - these aren't even parsed from the PPD yet.
- my $k;
- for $k (@Sections) {
- my $o;
- for $o (@{$this->{'sections'}->{$k}}) {
- my ($var,$order) = @$o{'name','order_real'};
- push (@filt,
- " # We put option $var in section $k order numer $order\n");
- my $c;
- my $first = 1;
- for $c (@{$o->{'options'}}) {
- my $el = ($first ? '' : 'el');
- my $v = $c->{'option'};
- my $snippet = $c->{'snippet'};
- if ($snippet) {
- my @sniplines = split("\n", $snippet);
- push(@filt,
- " ${el}if [ \"\$$var\" = \"$v\" ]; then\n");
- for (@sniplines) {
- next if /^\s*$/;
- $_ =~ s!\'!\\\'!g; # escape single quotes
- # TODO: We should also handle <##> hex numbers!
- push(@filt,
- " echo \'$_\' >> \$OUTPUT;\n");
- }
- $first = 0;
- }
- }
- push (@filt, " fi\n\n");
- }
- }
- push (@filt,
- " echo 'end' >> \$OUTPUT\n\n",
- " cat \$INPUT >> \$OUTPUT\n",
- " }\n");
- return @filt;
- }
- sub pdq_driver {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my $name = $this->get_name();
- my $driver = $name;
- $driver =~ s!^\s*!!;
- $driver =~ s!\s*$!!;
- $driver =~ s!(\s+)!\-!g;
- $driver = "$driver-0.1";
- my @drv;
- push (@drv,
- "driver $driver {\n\n",
- " help \"This driver was automagically converted from the \n",
- " PPD file for the $name by ppdtopdq.\"\n\n",
- $this->pdq_options(),
- "\n",
- " language_driver ps {\n",
- " filetype_regx = \"postscript\"\n",
- " }\n\n",
- $this->pdq_filter(),
- "}\n");
- return @drv;
- }
- # get a nice pretty english name for this thing
- sub get_name {
- my ($this) = @_;
- my ($mk,$md,$nk) = (@$this{'Manufacturer','ModelName','NickName'});
- my $name;
- if ($mk) { $name = "$mk"; }
- if ($md) { $name = "$name $md"; }
- elsif ($nk) { $name = "$name $nk"; }
- return $name;
- }
- 1;